A&AA presents 100 alumni stories

100 Stories

The academic year 2014-15 marks the 100th year since the School of Architecture and Allied Arts was established. As we explored the school’s archives preparing for our centennial celebrations, we found a treasure-trove of photos tracing the school’s physical changes as well as changes in faculty, leadership, and students. We will share some of those images with you in every e-news this year, beginning with this issue.

To honor our alumni during our centennial celebration, we developed a 100 Stories webpage that profiles an impressive selection of the outstanding graduates of the school. It’s organized by decade, starting with the early years of the 1910s and 1920s and progressing to our most recent graduates.

We invite you to share your story with us. We want to keep adding to our story base, because before we know it we’ll be celebrating our bicentennial!

The 2014-15 academic year will also feature a host of events, from exhibitions at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art to special lectures and celebrations. We’ll tell you more in the October e-news, but in the meantime visit our events calendar for a complete listing of coming events.

Congratulations, A&AA, and Go Ducks!