The School of Art + Design annual Career Futures event connects students with professionals who represent career paths in arts, art & technology, and product design. Professionals share their career-path stories, their experiences in their fields/industries, and their advice for students.
January 31, 2025, Career Futures Schedule
The following panel discussions and review sessions will be held:
10:00 am - 11:30 am Product Design Panel Discussion – LA 197
Panelists: Zach Meyer, Mica Russo, Elizabeth Zarro
Moderator: Wonhee Arndt
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Art Panel Discussion – LA 274
Panelists: Yaelle Amir, Sara Krajewski, Tyler Stoll, Julian Watts
Moderator: Anya Kivarkis
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Art & Technology Panel Discussion – LA 197
Panelists: Michael Cooper, Aidan Grealish, Kyle Nelson
Moderator: Colin Ives
Post-Panel Sessions – These will be held in the same location as their respective panels.
- 11:30 am-12:30 pm: Product Design - Portfolio Review sessions will be held for product design students, up to 12 students max.
- 1:30-2:30 pm: Art - Individual “Ask Me Anything” sessions with Art panelists will be held for art students, no registration required.
- 3:30-4:30 pm: Art & Technology - Portfolio Review sessions with Art & Technology panelists will be held for art & technology students, up to 12 students max.
Please visit the College’s “College of Design Career Week” page for links to the individual registrations.
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