
Transformative Education: SCYP, the City of Salem, and UO Kick Off Year Long Partnership

On a Wednesday afternoon at the University of Oregon in the historic Gerlinger Hall, guests and stakeholders of all ages came together to celebrate the start of another Sustainable City Year Program (SCYP) service year. The fourteenth year's partner is a special one, as the City of Salem returns to the program.

Metropolis Magazine Spotlights College of Design's Transpecies Design Exhibit at the 2023 ECC Biennale

Dean Adrian Parr had the opportunity to talk with Metropolis Magazine about transpecies design, the European Cultural Center Architecture Biennale, and the University of Oregon's impact and potential leadership in an uncertain climate future. The following is an excerpt taken from the Metropolis Magazine story, Transpecies Design at the 2023 ECC Architecture Biennale.

University of Oregon: Perfectly situated for architecture students to thrive

Why choose the School of Architecture & Environment at the University of Oregon? Situated in the Pacific Northwest region of the US, about 48% of the state of Oregon is covered in forest, with 115,000 miles of rivers, 363 miles of scenic coastline, and 24 mountain peaks over 8,200 feet. Both the Eugene and Portland campuses are immersed in their local landscapes, giving a unique opportunity for students to interact with and respond to their surrounding nature and built environment as if it were a living laboratory.