Research and teaching interests of the Architecture and Urbanism faculty range from Ancient to Contemporary, with concentrations in Europe, North America, and East Asia. Thematic and comparative specializations cut across traditional geographical and chronological frameworks.
Research is supported by the Design Library (with 86,000 bound volumes, 2,700 periodical titles, a substantial rare books collection supported by the Marion Dean Ross Endowment, artists’ books, architectural drawings, photos, and electronic resources), the Knight Library (with 22,000 titles in art and architecture), the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, and the UO’s John Yeon Center for Architecture and Landscape in Portland. The rich collections and architectural resources of Portland—including at the UO’s White Stag Block—are two hours from Eugene by car or train.
Core Faculty
Keith Eggener: modern architecture, urbanism, material culture, and cultural landscapes in the U.S., Mexico, and Europe. Eggener is also editor-in-chief of the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians.
Maile Hutterer: medieval architecture and urban development
Ocean Howell: modern and North American urban and planning history, West Coast urbanism, race and ethnicity
Emily Scott: contemporary critical approaches to the built environment, geological imaginaries, social and environmental justice
Other members of the Department and the College of Design whose work contributes to the history and theory of architecture and urbanism include:
Kris Seaman: ancient Greek architecture
Jerome Silbergeld: traditional Chinese architecture
Judith Sheine: modern architecture
Mark Eischeid: modern landscape architecture
Mark Gillem: history of sustainable architecture
Akiko Walley: Japanese religious architecture